We work in the fields of ship deck coverings, flooring technology, building protection and protective coatings. We are a specialist in these fields and our ambition is to always occupy a leading market position. Our range of services encompasses ship deck coverings, industrial flooring, coatings, design floors, terrazzo, corrosion protection and practical products for the Buildung Protection sector.
Freese AG is the management holding company for the operational businesses. Responsible, performance-oriented working practices, clear communication and teamwork are the values that guide us in creating a corporate climate that facilitates innovation. Without innovation, in other words without ongoing adaptation of our products, services and structures to the demands of our customers, our success would not be possible.
Our corporate values - the basis for successful cooperation Our approach is....: *Cooperative:* We work together in teams because we know that teams – including those that span business divisions – can deliver faster and better results than employees working alone. *Willing to perform:* We require the highest performance of ourselves and...
Freese AG
Carl-Benz-Straße 29
28237 Bremen, GERMANY
Fon +49 421 39 608-0
Fax +49 421 39 608-550
E-Mail: contact@gtf-freese.com