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Freese AG

Registered Office
Carl-Benz-Straße 29 

28237 Bremen, GERMANY  

Phone: +49 (0)421 / 396 08-0  

Fax: +49 (0)421 / 396 08-550 


Trade Register Bremen, HRB 21549
VAT-ID-No: DE 230185497

CEO: Christian Freese

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Martin Hammer

This website and its content are subject to German copyright and ancillary copyright laws. Unauthorised reproduction beyond the narrow restrictions of the German Copyright Act is prohibited without our written consent.

Liability for links
This site’s external links to third-party sites provide access to content offered by their respective operators and do not fall within our area of responsibility. These cross-references are clearly identifiable as such from the context or are separately marked. We have no influence over the content offered there and in providing the links we do not associate ourselves with it in any way. In particular, we expressly distance ourselves from any statements available there. 
Moreover, responsibility can be justified only if we are aware of breaches of the law and it is technically possible and reasonable for us to prevent access to the site (§ 5, para. 2 German Telecommunications/Media Act). We have checked the external content to a reasonable extent for possible breaches of the law. Breaches of copyright, trademark rights and personal rights or infringements of competition law on the third-party websites were not apparent and are not known to us, nor are any instances of criminal offences on those sites.

Data protection
When you access this website, your IP address and other details (date, time, page viewed) are stored on our server for data security reasons. The data is also evaluated for statistical purposes. Insofar as the opportunity exists to enter personal or business data on the website (e-mail addresses, names, addresses), this information is provided by the user on an explicitly voluntary basis. As far as is technically possible and reasonable, use of all of the services offered is permitted without providing such data or by providing anonymised details or a pseudonym. If you send an e-mail to us, please consider that the information may be accessed, falsified or deleted by unauthorised persons en route.


Our locations

G. Theodor Freese GmbH
Carl-Benz-Straße 29 
28237 Bremen, GERMANY 
Fon +49 421 39 608-0 
Fax +49 421 39 608-550

Head Office
Freese Fußbodentechnik GmbH
In der Aue 7, Ammelstädt
07407 Rudolstadt, GERMANY
Fon +49 3672 42 91-0
Fax +49 3672 41 07 82

Branch Office Berlin
Freese Fußbodentechnik GmbH

Knesebeckstrasse 20-21
10623 Berlin, GERMANY
Fon  +49 30 31 80 78 96

Branch Office Bremen
Freese Fußbodentechnik GmbH

Carl-Benz-Str. 29
28237 Bremen, GERMANY
Fon +49 421 39 608-0
Fax +49 421 39 608-550

Branch Office Aschaffenburg
Freese Fußbodentechnik GmbH

Ringwallstr. 28a
63808 Aschaffenburg-Haibach, GERMANY
Mobile: +49 174 93 68 390

Our locations

G. Theodor Freese GmbH
Carl-Benz-Straße 29 
28237 Bremen, GERMANY 
Fon +49 421 39 608-0 
Fax +49 421 39 608-550

Head Office
Freese Fußbodentechnik GmbH
In der Aue 7, Ammelstädt
07407 Rudolstadt, GERMANY
Fon +49 3672 42 91-0
Fax +49 3672 41 07 82

Branch Office Berlin
Freese Fußbodentechnik GmbH

Knesebeckstrasse 20-21
10623 Berlin, GERMANY
Fon  +49 30 31 80 78 96

Branch Office Bremen
Freese Fußbodentechnik GmbH

Carl-Benz-Str. 29
28237 Bremen, GERMANY
Fon +49 421 39 608-0
Fax +49 421 39 608-550

Branch Office Aschaffenburg
Freese Fußbodentechnik GmbH

Ringwallstr. 28a
63808 Aschaffenburg-Haibach, GERMANY
Mobile: +49 174 93 68 390